Lockdown Part 3

What a strange year we’ve had. After the first lockdown in Spring, when the wonderful weather made everything tolerable, we now find ourselves in a third lockdown in Winter. It is so different. I still try to take a daily walk but I don’t tend to go so far or on routes that are very muddy. I’m so looking forward to snowdrops, daffodils and magnolia blossoming in the next few weeks. By then I might have had my vaccine but perhaps I’ll have to wait till after Easter.

I haven’t been attending meeting for Worship for the last couple of months as the Covid situation was getting much more worrying. I have though, tried Zoom for Elders and Overseers, AM and, yesterday for our own Southport Meeting. I was reluctant at first but now find it invaluable as a means of ‘seeing’ and ‘meeting’ with other Quakers. I have also used it for meetings with friends and family.

On the spiritual side, I read passages from QF&P each day and I have daily readings from the Centre for Action and Contemplation online. This has been so helpful. The CAC is a spiritual centre and monastery in New Mexico, run by, among others, Richard Rohr who is a Franciscan teacher. Some of the writings are rather ‘advanced’ for me but many are truly enlightening.  I wouldn’t be without it.

I’m really missing the grandchildren but Facetime them almost every day. I wonder what little ones make of this peculiar situation?

However, I now believe that there is real hope that we can resume our weekly meetings in person later this year. I look forward to it very much. 

Sheila Galligan
January 2021

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